A different way for students to learn, think, and grow.

As some of you know, I recently co-founded a maths platform, to share creative, beautiful maths and encourage students to feel good about struggle, it’s called Struggly! The team and I have been hard at work applying my Mathematical Mindset research in the creation of these rich maths tasks that are low-floor, high ceiling, and SO much fun. Our tasks provide students with learning opportunities that promote number sense, conceptual understanding, and sense-making.

On the teacher’s side, each task page features info about the content of the task, ideas about what to look for as your students work, as well as reflection and discussion questions you can pose to your class to support deep thinking, collaboration, and idea sharing.

Here are some more details about what Struggy has to offer:

  • Tasks listed and searchable by Big Ideas, CCSSM, and content topics
  • Students receive Growth mindset messages and earn badges
  • 30 tasks with 336 levels in total
  • 1-3 new tasks per month, with approximately 30 levels
  • Teachers assign a task of the day or allow our algorithm to assign for each student

If you’d like to offer Struggly to your students please go to our website. If you are a classroom teacher looking to try Struggly with your students, you can start with a free 21-day trial (please note: you do need to put in credit card info, but your card will not be charged until the 21st day). If you are a school or district interested in Struggly, click to get more info about our Tailored Plans.